Learn the basics of playing the piano.

Lighter keys and hundreds of instrument sounds with an electric keyboard.
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Learn or build on your music skills with an electronic keyboard

Whether you’re searching for a keyboard so you or your child can begin piano lessons or you’re a professional who wants to expand on your musical skills, there’s a whole range of electronic keyboards for beginners, intermediates, and professionals on Best Buy.

What type of electronic keyboard are you looking for?

An electronic keyboard you may choose for someone who’s only beginning to develop an interest in piano will have different features and functions than a keyboard you’d choose for someone who plays at an expert level.

Number of keys on the electronic keyboard

You can find types of electronic keyboards that are large and designed like a traditional acoustic piano. These electronic keyboards will have a full set of 88 keys.

Other standard sizes for keyboards include 76 keys or 61 keys. You can also find kids electronic keyboards with 32 keys, and those models are designed to be lightweight and easy to use for small children.

Space constraints in your home and your skill level will be determining factors when choosing an electronic keyboard. Someone who is just beginning to take lessons on an electronic keyboard will generally choose a model with 61 keys, working their way up to a 76-key model. If you have the space in your home and you’re building upon your skills, you can move up to a full 88-key model.

What is the action like on an electronic keyboard?

Generally, keyboards with fewer keys will feel lighter when you press them compared to a full sized 88-key electronic keyboard. That light touch or resistance to touch is called the “action” of the keyboard. You can find weighted, semi-weighted, hammer, and synth action on electronic keyboards. Keyboard with 88 keys are usually weighted to feel like a traditional piano.

Most music teachers will ask that you choose a touch sensitive electronic keyboard when a student is just beginning lessons. With a touch sensitive design, the sound will change depending on how hard you press the keys.

What is polyphony on an electronic keyboard?

The number of individual tones or notes a piano can play is called polyphony. When you’re a beginning keyboardist, you should aim for at least a 32-note polyphony. As you progress you can choose keyboards with 64-note polyphony, moving up to 128-note or 264-note at expert levels.

Built-in rhythm and tones

Depending on the model you choose, some types of portable electronic keyboards have hundreds of built-in tones and rhythms. Some models with also have specific types of music rhythms you can use to create your own music, as well as music effects to build out your own sound.

Built-in lessons for beginners

Some electronic keyboard models have built-in lessons for beginning players. These models can supplement or replace piano lessons with a teacher.

Computer and app connectivity

As your music develops you may wish to record and store your music. Some models of portable electronic keyboard have a USB connection to connect to your computer or an SD card slot to store your favourite sounds.

You can also find models of electronic keyboard that connect to an app to let you transfer songs from the app to the keyboard.

Electronic keyboards for beginners

Looking for an electronic keyboard for beginners who want to play piano? While piano teachers will request weighted keys as that makes it easier to learn in the long term, most 61 or 76-key keyboards will not have weighted keys

If an 88-key electronic keyboard is out of your budget range, be sure to focus on a keyboard with touch sensitivity, 48 to 64-note polyphony, and portability so it’s easy to transport and move.