Freedom Motorola Moto G Pure 32GB - Deep Indigo - Monthly Tab Payment
Model: PARU0007CA
Web Code: 16035593
Sold and shipped by Best Buy
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Prices, taxes, and other charges: The monthly price above is a 24-month financing plan for the device. Price may vary by province. Applicable taxes will apply. Monthly data plans will be charged on top of device price. Add-on or pay-per-use data, initial service connection, cancellations, roaming, and other services may incur charges on top of the specified price. Credit check may be required. Fees may change over time. Please review full terms and conditions when you activate your plan in-store. Offers at Best Buy Express may vary and are limited to the Bell, Virgin Plus, and Lucky Mobile offers, see in-store for details.
It's easy to stay connected to what’s important with the Motorola Moto G. The large 6.5” Max Vision HD+ display brings all of your media to life while the powerful processor keeps things moving without lag. The long-life battery delivers up to two days of use on a single charge so you can make calls, browse the Internet, and take photos hour after hour.
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