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Microsoft's mission towards innovation

Empowering others to achieve more. 

Microsoft understands the power of technology, which is why they continue to innovate, create, and design in a way that gives everyone the ability to achieve more. They believe technology can and should be a force for good and that meaningful innovation can and will contribute to a brighter world in big and small ways. Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. 

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Welcome to the Microsoft family of products

Microsoft has been a technology leader for decades, and they have kept up the momentum with unique hardware and software designed to increase your productivity, simplify your life, and even add a bit of fun.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is productivity software you can rely on. You get a full subscription of powerful applications includes premium versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. You can choose a variety of subscriptions including Microsoft 365 Personal (for 1 person), Microsoft 365 Family (for up to 6 people) and Microsoft 365 Business Standard (for 1 person). All Microsoft 365 subscriptions include premium productivity apps, 1 TB of cloud storage, and advanced security for all your devices.


Microsoft Windows has been the gold star standard in operating systems, and the latest Windows offers you more than before. Navigation is even easier with a new Start Menu, the Microsoft Edge Web Browser is built in for seamless web surfing, and you can access and work with virtual desktops with just a few clicks.

Microsoft Surface

Can’t choose between a laptop and a tablet? With the Microsoft Surface lineup, you get the best of both worlds. Microsoft Surface is a premium 2-in-1 device that combines a powerful, ultra-portable laptop and a stunning tablet. The latest device in the surface lineup is the Surface 9, a tablet and laptop hybrid with optional 5G connectivity and Windows 11 built in. There’s also the Surface 5, a laptop and tablet with a 13.5 inch PixelSense touchscreen, Windows 11, and battery life to keep online all day. Available in a variety of colours including Sage, Sandstone, and Platinum, you can choose a Surface laptop to showcase your unique style.

Surface and PC accessories

Microsoft offers different accessories you can use with your Surface laptop or PC. You can choose accessories matched to your Surface hardware including Surface Pen stylus, Surface Hub, and Microsoft Surface headphones. You can also choose PC accessories including Microsoft Webcams for easy web conferencing, Microsoft Ergonomic keyboards to make long work hours more comfortable, and the Microsoft Arc Mouse that conforms to the shape of your hand.

Microsoft Gaming

Microsoft Xbox is one of the hottest consoles on the market. You can choose the Microsoft Xbox S or X and game at up to 120fps. They both support HDMI 2.1, Dolby Vision and True Dolby HD, and Xbox Series X supports 4K gaming. There are thousands of Xbox games and you can sign up for Xbox All Access so you always have something new to play.

Find Microsoft hardware, software, and gaming consoles at Best Buy.