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FAQ About Booster Car Seats

It goes without saying that your child's safety is paramount. That's why buying a car seat is one of the most important things you'll ever do for your little one. But what do you do when your kid outgrows the convertible car seat and isn't big enough to use a regular seat belt yet? Three words: booster car seat. Read on to find out more.

What is a booster car seat?

A booster car seat, unlike other types of car seats, is designed to be used with your vehicle's seat belt. As its name suggests, a booster seat raises your child up to ensure the lap and shoulder belts fit correctly and securely, across the upper thighs and middle of the shoulder.

When should my child be using a booster car seat?

In general it's best hold off on using a booster seat and keep your child in a forward-facing, convertible car seat for as long as possible - as long as the child is still within the car seat's height and weight limits* and fits correctly. Car seats are safer because they help spread the force of a sudden stop or impact across the strongest parts of your child's body. So when your child outgrows their current car seat and even if they exceed your province's or territory's guidelines, you can try looking for a larger car seat that still fits. There are car seat models that go all the way up to 30kg (65lb).

If your child has completely outgrown car seats, then it's time to switch to a booster seat.

Should I get a backless or a high back booster car seat?

Backless booster seats typically have better lap-belt placement and are very portable and easy to install. Look for a model with a clip that helps keep the shoulder belt correctly positioned.

Thanks to shoulder-belt routing guides, high back booster seats generally offer superior shoulder belt positioning and are recommended for cars with no backseat headrests.

What should I look for when buying a booster car seat?

Fit is a very important factor, so be sure to consider your child's size when choosing a booster car seat. Also, look for a booster seat with clips at multiple heights so it can adapt to your growing toddler. If your kid tends to fall asleep in the car, consider one with padded wings that'll provide your little one with comfy headrests.

*For specific details please check the manufacturer's weight limits, as well as your province's or territory's laws.