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Stay safe and prepared: brief overview of first aid kits

Be prepared for just about anything at home or on the go with a first aid kit

Having a first aid kit in case of emergency like natural disaster, power outage, or an unfortunate event in the car, boat, at the office, or camping, hiking, or playing sports outdoors, can be a literal lifesaver. Options range from a basic first aid kit for minor emergencies, with essential items like bandages, wet wipes, alcohol wipes, antiseptic, matches, and candles, to large first aid kits with hospital-grade medical supplies and other things you can use in case of an accident, like safety pins, tweezers, scissors, tape, whistle, sterile swabs, thermal blanket, flashlight, and even first aid brochures. Available in dust, impact, and water-resistant cases, keep one in the car for a roadside emergency, at home, personal first aid kit in a backpack, camping first aid kit, or anywhere one could come in handy. It's a good idea to keep multiple kits in different places so you're prepared for anything.