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Play fun games with cards

Card Games Have Come a Long Way

When people speak of card games nowadays, they don’t mean bridge and poker anymore. Some games have players building strong decks and hands to overcome their opponents, while others offer mind-bending, yet hilarious memory and cognitive challenges that will have you rolling over with laughter at the nonsense your friends come up with.

How to Choose the Right Card Game

Age Rating

Much like board games, some card games are designed for kids, some for all ages, and some are meant just for adults. Most will have an age notation on the package that gives you a clue which group the game was made for.

Number of Players

Most card games will also let you know how many people can play the game at once, so it’s best to check if you intend to play with a specific number of people. Check the side of the box for a symbol that will clarify whether the game is for one person, two people, or a range of players.

Game Length

You may not have much time to play, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun! One of the best parts of modern card games is that they require very little setup and can usually be played in 5-15 minutes for a single round. You’ll be able to look on the side of the box to see roughly how long one game should take.

Types of Card Games

Once you know the age rating, number of players, and the time you’ve got to play it’s time to select the style of card game you’ll play. There are many styles depending on the kind of challenge and fun you’re looking for.

  1. Strategy games challenge your intellect and have you play your cards against other players or the house in measured ways, and just at the right time to get an advantage.
  2. Combat games allow you to build up your forces in your hand, and unleash them on your foes to conquer the battlefield.
  3. Co-op card games let you work with your friends to achieve a common goal. Some have each player play a separate role with specific traits that need to be combined to be effective.
  4. Party games are great for bigger groups and usually incorporate some pretty hilarious attributes that will have the whole party cracking up. The best part about most party games is that every group will come up with their own answers and ways of interpreting the cards, so each game is different and exciting.
  5. Family games are fun for the whole gang and are a great way for parents to teach their kids how to build their memory, critical thinking, and other skills while having a blast together.
  6. Kids games have slightly more simple mechanics and less challenging problems to solve, but they are super fun and often silly too. Many will incorporate an aspect of learning that will help build math, social, and other critical skills.

Cognitive Card Games

Some card games do more than just entertain, they actually demand some pretty serious brain power to crack their secrets. Matching complex pairs, partnering up with friends without communication, leveling up your hand to have the most points by the end of the game, and completing tasks with fast hands before your friends do are just some of the interesting ways cognitive games challenge you while you’re having fun.

Card Games for Adults

Kids aren’t the only ones who have fun in the cards. There are a bunch of hilarious and twisted card games made just for adults too. Many venture into some pretty racy subjects and can verge on the inappropriate for those with sensitive dispositions, but nearly all will have your whole party roaring with laughter. In our screen-filled world, breaking away and playing a game with friends is a great way to have some offline fun that stimulates discussion and brings people closer together.

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