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FAQ About Drone Gimbals

If you're a filmmaker or aerial photographer, stable, level shots are a must. A drone gimbal offers a convenient way to mount a camera to a drone, so you get the best possible aerial footage.

What is a drone gimbal and what is it for?

A drone gimbal is an adjustable camera mount that attaches to your drone, keeping your camera level and maintaining your desired shooting direction. Some gimbals have anti-vibration features to minimize camera shake, so you get smoother looking video.

What's the different between a 2-axis and 3-axis drone gimbal?

The main difference between a 2-axis and 3-axis drone gimbal is stabilization. A 2-axis gimbal offers stabilization on 2 axes: pitch and roll. A 3-axis gimbal stabilizes on 3 axes: yaw, pitch, and roll. Because of this extra level of stabilization, 3-axis gimbals are ideal for shooting video. The yaw-axis minimizes jittery horizontal movement, so you get smooth, professional-looking footage. That doesn't mean a 3-axis is better than a 2-axis gimbal. Two-axis gimbals are great for taking stills, performing just as well as 3-axis gimbals. Plus, 2-axis gimbals are lighter, draw less power, and are less expensive than their 3-axis counterparts.

Should I look for a standalone gimbal or a gimbal with an integrated camera?

If you already own a compatible camera, then a standalone gimbal is a great option since you can simply use your own camera. If you don't own a camera, a standalone gimbal gives you the option of choosing a compatible camera for video and stills. A gimbal with an integrated camera offers convenience, allowing you to start shooting immediately. Also, a drone gimbal with an integrated camera lets you control camera settings, as well as the gimbal, through a controller or mobile app, which you may not be able to do with a separate camera.

Want more info about drone gimbals? Check out some of our resources:

A Beginner’s Guide to Drones

Best accessories for drones

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