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Laptop Locks offer ideal security

No matter if you have a run-of-the-mill laptop or the most high-end gaming laptop, you are sure to want some security for your investment. More important than the price of an expensive laptop, you want to make sure nobody gets their hands on your most private information, like proprietary business data, banking info and tax returns. For this, many people opt for laptop locks. Adding a physical lock and cable is an ideal way to prevent your laptop from being stolen. Here’s what you need to know about laptop locks.

What are laptop locks?

You will find a number of different styles and brands of laptop locks out there. However, if you have used a standard bike lock, then you are familiar with the most popular design. Basically, they feature a long, plastic-covered, steel cable with a loop on one end and a key-lock on the other end. Almost every laptop (except for Macs) since the mid-1990s also comes equipped with the “Kensington Lock”. This is a small, rectangular slot that is reinforced with metal. By attaching these specially designed locks, you’re able to anchor the laptop to something secure.

Are laptops locks effective?

Laptop locks are certainly a deterrent to anyone who would be thinking of casually grabbing an unattended laptop and making a dash for it. The plastic-covered steel cables, if secured to a desk or heavy object, would require some effort and tools to saw or cut through and free the laptop. However, if the security slot/port isn’t properly reinforced, then it is easier to rip the lock off the laptop, but not without damaging the case.

How do you use a laptop lock?

First, determine if your laptop is compatible with a laptop lock by looking on the side or back of your computer to see if it has a security slot. It is a round hole that is typically located on the side of your laptop but may also be located on the back of some models. Most laptop models have a small picture of a lock next to the hole.

Next, attach the security cable to a heavy object by wrapping the cable around a part of that object and inserting the lock through the looped end of the cable. A heavy table or desk leg works well for this purpose. Make sure the stationary object you choose is heavy enough that a thief cannot easily lift it to remove the security cable.

Now, push the lock part of the laptop lock firmly into security slot until it clicks in place. Most laptop locks, whether they use a key or combination to unlock, will be inserted in this way. Once the lock is inserted into the security slot, you will not be able to remove it without inputting the combination or using your key that came with your laptop lock.

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