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Nursing & Feeding

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Nursing and Feeding Tips

Ensure your baby receives the proper nourishment and care with tools and accessories that take the stress and guesswork out of preparing and serving your baby’s food. Best Buy has all the nursing baby supplies and feeding essentials you need to keep your little one healthy and happy as they grow from newborn to toddler. Here are a few tips on those must-have nursing supplies, and how they can make nursing and feeding time easier.

Essential products for feeding

Nursing or breast-feeding is beneficial for mom and baby alike. Breast milk has numerous known health benefits, because it is full of unique nutrients and immunity-boosting antibodies. A breast pump is a convenient way to express breast milk for later use, which also allows fathers and other caregivers to participate in baby feeding. To make the breast-feeding experience easier, it's best to plan ahead, and helpful to have a nursing kit that includes items like a nursing cover, nursing pillow, and a perhaps few breast pump accessories.

Bottle feeding tips

A bottle sterilizer and bottle warmer simplifies the process of preparing your baby’s bottle, whether you choose to use breast milk or formula. To help ease the transition from breast to bottle, and prevent discomfort due to allergic reaction, be sure to select the right bottle nipple. To avoid reflux, always feed with your baby in a semi-upright position, and give them proper head support to breathe and swallow comfortably. For additional tips and techniques, check out our baby bottles department.

Products For Seating Your Baby

A high chair supports your baby in a seated position with a wide tray for eating solid food. As your baby grows, a high chair helps them learn to eat at a table-like environment and keeps them within view when you’re in the kitchen. Booster seats are perfect for kids who have outgrown their high chair and need a little extra help to sit in a big-kid chair.

Solid food introduction tips

When your child is ready for solid foods, a specialized baby food processor lets you make your own baby food at home, which is a healthy, cost-effective alternative to store-bought baby food. To save time and effort, make sure you have enough dishes, cups, utensils, and bibs on hand to last through several meals and snack times.

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