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FAQ about Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Protecting your home and the safety of your family with a smoke and carbon monoxide detector is smart. Doing so with a smart smoke and carbon monoxide alarm is downright savvy. What makes these devices so clever and convenient? Here are the answers to a few common questions that help explain just that.

What is a smoke and carbon monoxide detector?

A smoke detector (also called fire alarm) and carbon monoxide detector (also called CO detector) can detect the presence of carbon monoxide gas or smoke in the air and alert you to the potential danger in more convenient ways than simply sounding a shrill tone. These wirelessly connected alarms can communicate with you via your smartphone, wherever you are, to give you vital warning and convenient control.

What advantages does a smoke and carbon monoxide detector offer?

The potentially life-saving benefits of any smoke and carbon monoxide alarm are obvious. The advantage of upgrading to a smart device is significant added convenience and peace of mind.

Mobile alerts

Since you can receive alerts on your smartphone, you might get warning of a fire threat while you're not home, precious minutes sooner than neighbours or passers-by notice smoke.

Remote silence

Since you can hush the alarm from your smartphone, there's no need to venture ear-splittingly close to the alarm in order to fumble overhead for a silence button, or fan frantically with a magazine.

Smart detection

More refined technology means a smart smoke alarm can generally tell the difference between steam and smoke, and the difference between a little smoke and a lot. It can give you a friendly alert to check things out (if, say, the pizza might be burning) before it sounds a warning alarm. When you have multiple smart alarms, they can let you know which room smoke or carbon monoxide is detected in.

What additional features should I look for in a smoke and carbon monoxide alarm?

A smoke and CO alarm might include features like self-diagnostics, and visual indicators of status, like coloured lights instead of an annoying chirp when the battery is low. Some detectors sense motion and provide just the right amount of nighttime illumination for a snack run. Compatibility with other smart home products and ecosystems can also add value and functionality. For example, your smart smoke alarm could trigger your security camera to record, or your smart lights to flash as an added warning.

What is the difference between a hardwired and battery-powered smoke detector?

A hardwired smoke detector is connected to an electric circuit, while a wireless variant is a battery-powered model. Choosing between wired and wireless smoke detectors can be tough. Both have advantages as they provide safety, protection, and prevent fire hazards. Battery-powered smoke detectors are very popular because it offers more convenience and smart features. On the other hand, wired alarms are good for high responsiveness. In fact, having a hardwired smoke detector helps to increase the chance alarms have power and are ready to signal in case of a fire. 

Find other safety sensors and detectors such as weather stations and air quality monitors as well as water leak detectors to protect your home from unseen hazards.

Want more info? Check out some of our resources on the Best Buy blog:

First Alrt OneLink Safe and Sound Smoke Detector Review

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