Scientific Calculators
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Calculate complex math problems with a scientific calculator
When you need to work through a problem in physics, calculus, or engineering, a standard or basic calculator isn’t going to provide you with the answers you’re looking for. To perform complex calculations, you need a scientific calculator.
What is a Scientific Calculator?
A scientific calculator is a calculator designed to solve math problems in a step by step process. This type of calculator has built-in memory, multiple functions, and different types of programs. A scientific calculator goes beyond the adding, dividing, and multiplying functions of a basic calculator, letting you work out complex calculations for classes like trigonometry, physics, statistics, and algebra. Professionals will also use a scientific calculator for careers in business or engineering.
Types of scientific calculators
A scientific calculator is a frequently requested school supply for high school and college students, but there are a few specialized types of scientific calculator you may need for specific classes. A graphing calculator has a larger screen than a standard scientific calculator, allowing you to plot vertical and horizontal numbers on a graph. There are also engineering calculators, designed for use in engineering classes.
Features on scientific calculators
Scientific calculators vary in price and features. A basic scientific calculator generally has a 2-line display so you can review and edit your entry or let you copy complex problems from text books. Students will use this type of calculator as a scientific notation calculator to work through problems with real numbers, integers, exponents, or coefficients.
A basic scientific calculator will have functions including logarithmic, fractions, and the conversion of units. You’ll also be able to use it to calculate the square root or pi and e. With a higher end scientific calculator, you can also calculate basic Boolean math, hexadecimal, and physical constants. This type of calculator will have cursor controls so you can edit your equation and memory to store previous equations.
To keep your scientific calculator charged and ready when you need it, it may have a solar charger with a supplemental battery. You can also find types with a rechargeable battery that plug in via USB or USB-C.
Which scientific calculator is right for you?
The best scientific calculator for you is the calculator that has the functions required to take on all of the complex math problems in your school courses. They are also a huge help beyond school when you are required to calculate problems on the job. You can find all types of scientific calculator on Best Buy right now.
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