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Stroller accessories for traveling with ease

Make your on-the-go lifestyle more manageable with stroller accessories from Best Buy’s array of dependable family-favourite brands like Summer Infant, Recaro, guzzie + Guss, Mountain Buggy, and phil & ted’s. From a stroller rain cover that shields your little one from the elements, to a sippy cup holder that ensures they’re easily hydrated on-the-go, Best Buy has all the tools and trinkets you need to accessorize your stroller and optimize your family’s time about town.

More enjoyable for parents

Trying to manoeuvre kids, wheels, and personal items down sidewalks all at once without the right equipment can be a daunting task, but separately-sold stroller accessories can help you streamline your pushing experience without pulling at your patience. Items like grips help you keep a steady hand on your stroller while you answer your phone or pick up the coffee (stored conveniently in an attached cup holder). Rain covers serve to counteract sudden storms and keep babies safe from downpours, while sun hoods deflect harmful UV rays and keep them from damaging the skin and eyes of little ones so you can enjoy the outdoors without worry.

More enjoyable for kids

There’s nothing more disruptive to the sweet soundtrack of birds chirping in the trees than a screaming kid. Ensure your little one is as snug and happy as can be during stroller rides by outfitting your rider with accessories that cater to comfort and care. Sippy cup holders and food trays make it easy to soothe hangry (hungry plus angry) pangs, while features like additional seat cushions and liners are designed to increase comfort levels and keep children soothed instead of squirmy. Second seat attachments let you load up a second little one, while a stroller hitch or scooter/buggy board attachment lets older siblings come along for the ride, making everyday walks an occasion for family fun.

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