Training & Weight Lifting Gloves
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Training & Weight Lifting Gloves
Rise to glory with training and weight lifting gloves
So you’re looking to get into the gym and make some serious gains in the muscle department. Nice. One of the best ways to stay fit is to have a healthy balance of strength training with aerobic activity. The only issue, is it’s been quite a long time since you’ve picked up a dumbell, let alone stepped up to the barbell or shoulder press.
That’s where training and weight lifting gloves come in. They’re not just for the accomplished bodybuilder who can bench your bodyweight, in fact, they’re just as useful for folks who are getting into the gym for the first time, or after a long hiatus.
When are Workout Gloves Useful?
Stay Dry
Sweat is enemy when you’re lifting weights, well… at least sweaty hands. Moisture between your skin and the heavy weights you’re lifting will cause slipping which can lead to the formation of blisters. When stretching occurs unevenly between the top and lower layers of your skin, blisters can form. These can be painful and will make it difficult to continue exercising until they heal.
Prevent calluses
Another issue brought on by friction is the formation of calluses. A callus (not to be confused with callous, though you may also run into that in the gym) is a formation of hardened skin that builds up over time. Your body actually intentionally allows them to form from dead skin in regions of repeated friction to help avoid injury. The issue is that they can build up and eventually crack which can lead to infection. They’re also not the nicest things to have all over your hands if you’re going for that nice, soft, supple touch.
Improve Grip
Weight lifting gloves can be a big advantage in the gym when you’re lifting heavy weights since having a solid grip is incredibly important. Compared to your smooth skin, gloves can offer a much stickier, grippier contact with the bar or machine. Having a little extra grip when a hundred or so pounds is being held above your head is never a bad idea. Similarly, the added grip will allow you to stop focusing so much on clenching your hands, using up precious energy, and concentrate on the muscles you’re trying to target.
What Kind of Training Gloves Should I Use?
Leather gym gloves are likely going to be one of your best choices since they are going to offer additional grip and allow your hands to stay dry. The natural fibres are already built to wick moisture and provide cohesion with whatever you’re gripping. There are also other types of material like lycra that are often used on the top side of lifting gloves to provide stretch and additional moisture-wicking properties.
Whatever kind of training glove you choose, make sure it fits well. If there are any gaps, the gloves will slide on your skin and will actually cause worse blisters and calluses than if you’d used no gloves at all. If the gloves are too tight, you can cut off circulation and reduce movement. Neither of which is good in the gym.