Promo Codes and eCertificates
Promo Codes and eCertificates
Promo codes and eCertificates can be applied to your order during checkout. Some promo codes only apply to a specific product, while others may apply to your whole order.
How to redeem a promo code or eCertificate
- In checkout, enter your promo code or eCertificate code in the “Promo Code” field and hit “Apply.”
- If your promo code or eCertificate is valid, the discount will be applied to your order.
Limitations of promo codes and eCertificates
- Only one promo code or eCertificate can be applied per online order.
- eCertificates and select promo codes are good for one-time use only.
- Promo codes and eCertificates must be used before they expire.
- Promo codes and eCertificates cannot be applied toward future or multiple purchases.
- The entire value of an eCertificate must be used on a single order, or else any remaining balance will be lost.
- Promo codes and eCertificates are non-refundable.